Gastronomy of Portugal

Algarve, Portugal



Algarve's Touristic and Gastronomic Passport



Tuna Fish Steak

Serves 4

  • 800 grs of cleaned fresh tuna fish ;
  • 200 grs of onions ;
  • 60 grs of butter ;
  • 2 dl of cooking oil ;
  • 2 cloves of garlic ;
  • 1 bunch of parsley ;
  • 1 kg of potatoes ;
  • 1 bay leaf ;
  • white pepper to taste ;
  • salt to taste ;
  • white wine to taste


Scale the tuna fish with the aid of a scaler. Remove the guts and bones. Cut the fish into steaks. Place them on a tray. Season with salt, white pepper, peeled and chopped garlic and a little white wine.
Peel the onions and cut them up into rings.
Place the butter in an earthenware frying-pan and put it on the flame. Warm up the butter and then add the chopped garlic, onions and bay leaf.
Add the steaks, taking care to turn them over to cook them on both sides and to stir the onions.
Serve in the frying-pan itself , accompanied by potatoes fried in cooking oil in a separate vessel and sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Hint: If an earthenware frying-pan is not available, use a copper one or some other vessel.

Source: Algarve Tourist Region

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